Take a look at these images. Mind blown!

These three pictures are of the same crystal ball that was gifted by Natanya A’lura when a select group of individuals accessed and unlocked an important/transformational Stargate/Portal/Gateway to connect with other Universal timelines in order to allow Higher Dimensionals to assist with Mother Earth’sĀ Ascension to 5D which was initiated at Thunder Palms last year (2019).

The ceremony by Natanya A’lura at the Meditation Cedars included convergence of Universal timelines, bringing them into balance so as to anchor the higher light codes, then
clear and activate both Mother Earth and those of us present to the highest extent possible.

We knew building up to Thunder Palms 2020 that the energies at Faery Wood have been quite intense over the previous few weeks, because it had gotten to the point that I could not even set foot up there without feeling nauseous and faint.

Take a look at what is going on inside this crystal ball in all three images that were taken on the day of Thunder Palms 2020 (Thank you Dale: StricklandStudios.net).

The Meditation Cedars are not ‘Just’ for Meditating, and only a privileged few have been given the opportunity to experience them.

It just goes to show what the power of intension can do in the hands of people with a heart-felt intention.

Dare to be different, be freaky. Follow your inner compass wherever it may lead.
This is your time. If you can’t believe your eyes, then trust your heart. Have courage and follow your calling.

This is the Awakening.