ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers… Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you – is actually what’s right with you… Go here:...


  There are really only 2 choices right now moving forward: Stay distracted by the old 3D programs of fear, lack, and separation…. or step UP into taking 100% responsibility for that which you are “magnetizing” into your reality and begin to...


This video is about coming together and making sense of the last 18 months. This is NOT medical advice. Faery Wood videos are divided into two categories. Awakening and Spiritual. This is an Awakening video. Humankind is at the crossroads of consciousness between 3D...


This video is about steadfastness. What it is, why we need it, and how we can help you at Healing Owl and Faery Wood. Steadfastness is about sticking with something or someone, through to the finish, no matter what. It is about being steady, consistent and dependable....


This video is about va[x]ines. We shall discuss what it isn’t, why we need to do our research, who’s responsible if you do take the va[x]ine and how we can help you through it at Healing Owl and Faery Wood. FAIR WARNING: If you have already taken the...


At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to transition from 3D to 5D. We even host a workshop retreat dedicated to giving you the experience of 5D. 5D is not a place that you go to, it is a mindset, it can very crudely be described as ‘Heaven on...