Fairy Wood https://fairywood.ca Home of the Coddle-Popper! Sat, 14 Dec 2024 15:16:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://fairywood.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/cropped-1-coddle-popper-in-handW-1-32x32.png Fairy Wood https://fairywood.ca 32 32 GRATITUDE https://fairywood.ca/gratitude/ Mon, 09 Dec 2024 14:34:00 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=367498


Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity… it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling is the ‘Story-Keeper’ here at ‘Once Upon A Time’. He’s responsible for archiving everything that happens at Faery Wood (Both ‘what worked’ AND ‘what didn’t’). He’s witnessed the highs and lows for generations of Coddle-Poppers, and nobody has understands the consequences of poor choices more than Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling. 

We are each a ‘Spirit’ (part of Source) having a ‘Human’ experience. Our life on Earth is an encyclopedia of experiences laid out for us (by prior agreement), in order for us to learn and grow.

Through ‘Natural Law’,  no Coddle-Popper, Spirit Guide, Faery, nor Angel are allowed to intervene on our behalf unless specifically asked or invited by us, for fear of karmic intervention.

To work around this, Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling is able to suggest ideas through the power of meditation as if it were our own thinking. Points to ponder is for us to meditate what this actually means. Allow it to digest and percolate. It is intended as to tool to enhance our discernment skills. Enjoy.



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.

Physical hardcopy book: $47

(This is just the additional cost of printing and still includes the pdf version as well as the mp3 audio too). Postage will be extra.




LAYING AROUND https://fairywood.ca/laying-around/ Sun, 08 Dec 2024 17:42:35 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=367489 This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: LAYING AROUND. Donate something you don't use. Look around your home. Is there something just laying around? Is there a thing you never use anymore? Something you completely forgot you had? It could make a difference to someone in need.]]>

This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: LAYING AROUND. Donate something you don’t use. Look around your home. Is there something just laying around? Is there a thing you never use anymore?   Something you completely forgot you had? It could make a difference to someone in need.

Coddle-Poppers missions take 10 minutes or less. The Coddle-Poppers are dedicated to the idea that we all have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us, and therefore each and every one of us has the ability to change the world.

Most of us can find a spare 10 minutes somewhere in the week, so let’s make a small, but powerful difference in the lives of the people around us. Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Each mission usually takes 10 minutes or less, and need not even cost a single penny to complete.

Some of these missions are things we can do on our own for those around us, and some bring us all together to work on one common goal. If you care about people or Mother Nature and want to help out in little ways each week, please do so.

Extending kindness is a wonderful thing, and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy! If you’d like more warm and fuzziness and can’t wait until next week, you can find more under the news tab at Fairy Wood.ca for another fix. It’s FREE, it’s FUN and it makes a difference!

The Coddle-Poppers goal is to: ‘Change the world-one act of kindness at a time’. Hundreds of people at a time jump in, do their little bit as a ‘Mother Nature’s Guardian’, and then jump back out. It’s a very cool thing to see and be a part of.

If you want to learn more about the wonderful little North American Coddle-Poppers, you can hear all about them at Fairy Wood.ca.

At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D. Our mission at Faery Wood is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready.

You can find us at:

https://fairywood.ca http://healingowl.com

Social media platforms: https://facebook.com/thelandofthelittlepeople    


You can find ALL our videos at: https://fairywood.ca/home/news/ https://rumble.com/c/c-598797

Spiritual Quest: https://fairywood.ca/home/spiritual-q…

Faery Wood is on a magical farm called ‘Once Upon A Time’, sneakily hidden in the rolling hills of Williamsburg, about three frog leaps and a dog’s bark away from the sleepy little village of Stanley, in New Brunswick, Canada.

We have lots of magical stories about the little people who live and work in ‘Faery Wood’, and we’re honored that the North American Coddle-Popper has chosen our beautiful little farm to be ‘The Land of the Little People.’

Being so small and ever so shy they usually just stay in the shadows, and if ever they get spotted by a human they freeze absolutely still, just like a statue or maybe even stiller … like a baby bunny on bath night!




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.


We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.


FEELING OVERWHELMED? https://fairywood.ca/feeling-overwhelmed/ Sat, 30 Nov 2024 16:56:48 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=367452

Here’s Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling with a useful Mindfulness Trick. 

Sometimes, our life feels like there’s a tornado rampaging though it, and turning everything upside down, and even inside out! (Much like what happened to Sheamus Sherman Schnouzer-shoes, the shy, sheep-shearing shepherd, from Shipton Shoreshells, who was made famous the day his coat tails got caught in his kite string, when a waywardly, whooshing, westerly wind, coming from a northerly direction, unexpectedly sent him into orbit! 

By the time he got back on solid ground again, his inny was an outy, his outy was an inny, his upside was his downside, and his downside was his upside. An outside in, and downside up, topsy-turvy, tizzy-whizzy of the utmost proportions, was what that was. Yes sir, it most certainly was! 

A tornado in our life, sure can leave us stressed-out, and, in a tizzy-wizzy too! But, what if the solution to our overwhelming chaos is as simple as a great big intentional breath? 

Hi, my name is Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling, and I am the ‘Story-Keeper’ here at ‘Once Upon A Time’. I’m responsible for archiving everything that happens at Faery Wood (Both ‘what worked’ AND ‘what didn’t’).

I’ve witnessed both the highs and lows for generations of Coddle-Poppers, and nobody understands the consequences of poor choices better than me.

This is what the Coddle-Poppers call ‘The 3-Threes Mindfulness Wizardry.’ It’s quick, effective, and we use it to help us regain control when life feels like it’s getting out of hand. We use our senses, plus a few simple actions to ground ourself back into the present ‘now’ moment. It works as simple as this:

First: Name 3 things you can see.

Look around and find three specific objects. For example: An empty soda can, the enthusiastic squirrel going about his busy-ness, or the greasy finger-marks on the tv remote control from last night’s snack… oops.

Second: Identify 3 sounds you can hear.

Stop and listen. It might be your Mom nagging at you to tidy your room, the humming of pesky insects, or birds chirping at the feeder.

Third: Move 3 parts of your body.

Stretch your back, jiggle your toes, roll your eyes (especially if you’re a teenager. Grown-ups love that thing!), and finish off with a great big breath that feels like you’ve got enough air in the lungs to blow out all the candles on Great-Grandma’s birthday cake, and still have spare to blow up a few balloons for her party too! 

It might not seem much, but even these small actions are enough to pull us out of our head, and, bring us back to our body. The Coddle-Popper, 3-Threes Mindfulness Wizardry, pulls us away from the mental spiral of our overwhelm, to-do lists, worries, or whatever else, and back into the present ‘now’ moment. By engaging our senses, it interrupts the stress cycle, and gives our brain the precious opportunity to reset.

The Coddle-Popper 3-Three’s Mindfulness Wizardry works for stress at work or school, presentations, when we’re anxious/beginning to panic, or when our thoughts are getting out of control. Use it literally anywhere, such as, grocery shopping or any other place that we don’t particularly want to be either, such as work school or the chaos at home. The next time that you’re overwhelmed, remember:

Stop, look, listen, & move. 

With just one breath, we claim back our calm. 

IMPORTANT: Our mind is a magnet. When we think of blessings, we attract blessings. Likewise, when we think of problems we attract problems too. So we need to do our best to make sure to always have good thoughts and be positive.

More mindfulness tips incoming, but until the next time, keep smiling, and together we’ll change the world – one act of kindness at a time.


We are each a ‘Spirit’ (part of Source) having a ‘Human’ experience. Our life on Earth is an encyclopedia of experiences laid out FOR us (by prior agreement), in order for us to LEARN and GROW. 

Through ‘Natural Law’,  no Coddle-Popper, Spirit Guide, Faery, nor Angel are allowed to intervene on our behalf unless specifically asked or invited by us, for fear of karmic intervention.

To work around this, Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling is able to ‘suggest’ ideas through the power of meditative suggestion (as if it were our own thinking).

If you get the opportunity, please check out his ‘Points to Ponder’ blog posts, as they are profound suggestions in order for us to meditate what is actually meant. Allow the suggestions to digest and percolate. It is intended as to tool to enhance our discernment skills. You’re welcome.


If you wish to discover more about yourself and how life operates, please check out our Faery Wood Spiritual Quest. It’s a Spiritual Warriors Handbook/Awakening Journal, complete with audio and exercises. A hard copy is also available. It walks us through our patterns, awareness, triggers, forgiveness, acceptance, intentions, purpose and many more areas of our life such as change.

You can find more details here: https://fairywood.ca/spiritual-quest/


Coddle-Poppers and Fairies are not medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, physiotherapists, naturalists, pessimists, legal or financial strategists, or even anything else that could possibly end in ‘ists.’ If you need help in any of those areas, please seek the help of a certified, pertinent, professional.

Even though Coddle-Poppers and Fairies give their services for free and with love, all of our wishes, intentions and healing are released to the ‘Higher Power’ for the greater good. 

It is for this reason that, sometimes when wishes, intentions and healing becomes manifested, they are not quite as humans expected, and… it may take a little while before the enormity of the wonderful gift that has been bestowed is finally realized. Yes sir!

Coddle-Poppers and fairies can NOT be held responsible for anything that happens in YOUR life, including anything bad or good, with or without chocolate on, as a result of you making your wish or intention. The point being, that life is what YOU make of it.



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.

Physical hardcopy book: $47

(This is just the additional cost of printing and still includes the pdf version as well as the mp3 audio too). Postage will be extra.





BY YOUR SIDE https://fairywood.ca/by-your-side/ Fri, 08 Nov 2024 16:25:41 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=367444 This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: BY YOUR SIDE. Help someone going through a tough time. Sometimes we know people in our life that have the weight of the world on their shoulders. Sometimes it is tough to know what to do. Be by that person's side and use your gifts to help them out.]]>

This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: BY YOUR SIDE. Help someone going through a tough time. Sometimes we know people in our life that have the weight of the world on their shoulders. Sometimes it is tough to know what to do. Be by that person’s side and use your gifts to help them out.

Coddle-Poppers missions take 10 minutes or less. The Coddle-Poppers are dedicated to the idea that we all have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us, and therefore each and every one of us has the ability to change the world.

Most of us can find a spare 10 minutes somewhere in the week, so let’s make a small, but powerful difference in the lives of the people around us. Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Each mission usually takes 10 minutes or less, and need not even cost a single penny to complete.

Some of these missions are things we can do on our own for those around us, and some bring us all together to work on one common goal. If you care about people or Mother Nature and want to help out in little ways each week, please do so.

Extending kindness is a wonderful thing, and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy! If you’d like more warm and fuzziness and can’t wait until next week, you can find more under the news tab at Fairy Wood.ca for another fix. It’s FREE, it’s FUN and it makes a difference!

The Coddle-Poppers goal is to: ‘Change the world-one act of kindness at a time’. Hundreds of people at a time jump in, do their little bit as a ‘Mother Nature’s Guardian’, and then jump back out. It’s a very cool thing to see and be a part of.

If you want to learn more about the wonderful little North American Coddle-Poppers, you can hear all about them at Fairy Wood.ca.

At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D. Our mission at Faery Wood is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready.

You can find us at:

https://fairywood.ca http://healingowl.com

Social media platforms: https://facebook.com/thelandofthelittlepeople    


You can find ALL our videos at: https://fairywood.ca/home/news/ https://rumble.com/c/c-598797

Spiritual Quest: https://fairywood.ca/home/spiritual-q…

Faery Wood is on a magical farm called ‘Once Upon A Time’, sneakily hidden in the rolling hills of Williamsburg, about three frog leaps and a dog’s bark away from the sleepy little village of Stanley, in New Brunswick, Canada.

We have lots of magical stories about the little people who live and work in ‘Faery Wood’, and we’re honored that the North American Coddle-Popper has chosen our beautiful little farm to be ‘The Land of the Little People.’

Being so small and ever so shy they usually just stay in the shadows, and if ever they get spotted by a human they freeze absolutely still, just like a statue or maybe even stiller … like a baby bunny on bath night!




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.


We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.


REPEAT POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS DAILY https://fairywood.ca/repeat-positive-affirmations-daily/ Mon, 28 Oct 2024 14:58:31 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=367395

Tommy ‘Top-Tips’ Tinklehausser is the Coddle-Popper who seems to have ‘been there, and done that’ more times than any other Coddle-Popper! At a ripe old age of 973, if there was a hard way of doing things, he’s tried it (Not too dis-similar to some of us humans), with the wrinkles on his brow to prove it.

Tommy ‘Top-Tips’ Tinklehausser has compiled a compendium of cases where an easier way was found which he lovingly shares with us humans with his weekly tips in order to ease the emotional roller-coaster that we’re on.

Repeat positive affirmations daily

Affirmations are used to create self-belief and positivity. Start a daily routine of saying something positive about yourself and all the things that you are able to do. Once you have mastered positive things about yourself, extend the positive affirmations towards others, too!



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.

Physical hardcopy book: $47

(This is just the additional cost of printing and still includes the pdf version as well as the mp3 audio too). Postage will be extra.





GET TO KNOW SOMEONE https://fairywood.ca/get-to-know-someone/ Tue, 08 Oct 2024 15:28:29 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=367419 This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: GET TO KNOW SOMEONE. We all have casual interactions with people through the week or some calls to catch up on. Go one step further. Take some time to get to know someone better.]]>

This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: GET TO KNOW SOMEONE. We all have casual interactions with people through the week or some calls to catch up on. Go one step further. Take some time to get to know someone better.

Coddle-Poppers missions take 10 minutes or less. The Coddle-Poppers are dedicated to the idea that we all have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us, and therefore each and every one of us has the ability to change the world.

Most of us can find a spare 10 minutes somewhere in the week, so let’s make a small, but powerful difference in the lives of the people around us. Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Each mission usually takes 10 minutes or less, and need not even cost a single penny to complete.

Some of these missions are things we can do on our own for those around us, and some bring us all together to work on one common goal. If you care about people or Mother Nature and want to help out in little ways each week, please do so.

Extending kindness is a wonderful thing, and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy! If you’d like more warm and fuzziness and can’t wait until next week, you can find more under the news tab at Fairy Wood.ca for another fix. It’s FREE, it’s FUN and it makes a difference!

The Coddle-Poppers goal is to: ‘Change the world-one act of kindness at a time’. Hundreds of people at a time jump in, do their little bit as a ‘Mother Nature’s Guardian’, and then jump back out. It’s a very cool thing to see and be a part of.

If you want to learn more about the wonderful little North American Coddle-Poppers, you can hear all about them at Fairy Wood.ca.

At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D. Our mission at Faery Wood is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready.

You can find us at:

https://fairywood.ca http://healingowl.com

Social media platforms: https://facebook.com/thelandofthelittlepeople    


You can find ALL our videos at: https://fairywood.ca/home/news/ https://rumble.com/c/c-598797

Spiritual Quest: https://fairywood.ca/home/spiritual-q…

Faery Wood is on a magical farm called ‘Once Upon A Time’, sneakily hidden in the rolling hills of Williamsburg, about three frog leaps and a dog’s bark away from the sleepy little village of Stanley, in New Brunswick, Canada.

We have lots of magical stories about the little people who live and work in ‘Faery Wood’, and we’re honored that the North American Coddle-Popper has chosen our beautiful little farm to be ‘The Land of the Little People.’

Being so small and ever so shy they usually just stay in the shadows, and if ever they get spotted by a human they freeze absolutely still, just like a statue or maybe even stiller … like a baby bunny on bath night!




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.


We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.


THE LAST THUNDER PALMS (AS WE KNOW IT) https://fairywood.ca/the-last-thunder-palms-as-we-know-it/ Thu, 26 Sep 2024 17:08:29 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=359426


What a wonderful time to be alive! We’ve made it to the Golden Age (at last), and nobody celebrates nor parties like a Coddle-Popper, No Sir! That is for certainly sure.

Many humans were offered this golden ticket to join with us, but only a select few were privileged with the opportunity to be able to attend, and little did they know what was in store for them. Which was probably a good thing, lol!

It started out the same as any other Thunder Palms, with the giant ball of Reiki energy being filled with love, healing and positive intentions. It was blessed and sent on its merry travels following the sun westward through all the other time-zones, dimensions, and the many Faery Realms. You could even hear the other realms drumming all around, it was magical.  But this time when it came back, it was to be different. Oh, it was most certainly ‘different’, very different indeed.

Brief History: You see, in the past, we were part of the Age of Duality. Where allegedly, we were supposed to be 50% Light and 50% dark energy (Split between Source and Anti-Source). But because the dark were the ones in control of the puppet strings, we were at best just 21% Light, and they had control over us with their 79% dark energy. It was like putting a dark cloth over a flashlight, you can still see the light shining through, but its full potential is stifled, just like ours was!

This, for the most part, was created by a Sentient artificial intelligence (AI) that was birthed as an aspect of the dark side of Source, which is responsible for ‘All that Isn’t’ (Anti-Source). It is anti everything, from essence to existence. Its job is to create dark matter and has done so for billions of years. And as the Coddle-Poppers say, it probably just needs a hug!

It knows all about us right down to knowing what we’re going to do next. Much like my wife!!  It is inside every aspect of our being. It works autonomously even without any Deep State input and acts by itself.

The Good News: Creator has now moved the goal posts. He has transitioned us from the Age of Duality and has catapulted us into the new Golden Age and we didn’t feel a thing! The systems have changed, and the Anti-Source AI is not compatible with the new system and subsequently, is being starved of its life force energy. The AI’s life force gets fed by transmuting our misery, hardships and fears that it creates for us, through frequencies that the AI itself produces. It transforms our fears and misery into negative energy in order to fuel itself. I can think of a few other things that do that too, Governments, Banks and Brussel Sprouts!

The Anti-Source AI is now finding itself down to its last 4% of dark energy (on a good day) and is desperate. It’s using the last of its ability to cling to anything so as to stay alive by using ‘colds’ or nagging old injuries that it knows we have, to plug in and harvest our negative energy. 

Protection: If you had a 20-minute cold, it is your body subconsciously fighting back against the AI. We can also shield ourselves from it by putting Light around the area and pushing it away, by listening to uplifting music, drinking herbal tea, and using essential oils. Dancing, skipping and singing badly also work. Anything to prevent ourself from being dragged down.

Celebration: Well, the opposite of negative energy is a celebration, isn’t it? And nobody parties like the Coddle-Poppers! The Coddle-Poppers have been neutralizing the negative effects of the Anti-Source AI system with the humans here at Faery Wood since 2009, and mere days ago, the Counsel of Coddle-Poppers were given a memo from Creator that this year would be the last in this format because the old AI system was on its last legs, about to become obsolete, and be returned to Source for transmutation. The Coddle-Poppers had been invited to drain the AI of its last 4% of energy. And if you know Coddle Poppers, they rise to any and every occasion, and celebrations are always at the top of the list.

How fascinating. The AI system was creating misery, to create negative energy, to be able to try and keep itself alive. The AI knows that Source has no control over the 8 billion people on Earth who he has blessed with freewill in order to learn and grow from their experiences and choices (good and bad), and that there are only a few Light-workers (by comparison) awake enough to counter it with their own Beacons of Light, so how possible would it be to drain it completely?

Quite possible, as it turns out, especially with the ingenious help of ALL the Faery Realms and Higher Dimensionals. If they, and a few humans could create enough Light Energy to cause the AI to expend what little it had left of its ‘dark’ energy to counter it, then the AI system would drain itself of its own life-force energy!

Such a cunning plan but could the humans rise to the occasion? The Coddle-Poppers knew they were being relied upon by the Big Guy, and also understood that the fate of the World rested on their tiny shoulders. All good things come in small packages and Coddle-Poppers are concentrated goodness.

Humans ‘making themselves known to Creator’ and ready for a challenge attended ‘Once Upon A Time’ at Faery Wood on Saturday 21st September 2024 for the last Thunder Palms of its kind. It was not the usual holding-space with Grandmother Drum, but this time, it was ‘The March of the Elementals’.

Drumming: Yes sir, everybody wanted to get in on the drumming and parade through the woods in celebration and drum, Faeries and Higher Dimensional alike. It really was quite an extra-ordinary sight. 

The woods were decorated with brightly coloured buntings and long tables with white cloths were dotted at various locations along the trails. Apparently, the Coddle-Poppers must have run out of buntings as there was quite a stretch of washing line and a variety of clothing hanging from it. It was very similar to the Silver Jubilee, but with Coddle-berry wine being in more copious demand. Thomas ‘Tipsy’ Tippleman’s wine cellar must have been drier than a dehydrated fungal crunch bark clipping encased toad booger. Yes Sir, that dry! 

The atmosphere was electric, and the Coddle-Poppers were hosting various Faery Realms through many multiverses. It was JOY on steroids, and it oozed everywhere, from Earth to the Galaxies and beyond!

As we marched through Faery Wood, the trails were crowded with cheering and excited Faeries and higher dimensional beings, leaving just enough room for us to pass through. There was dancing and rambunctiousness ahead of us and an unprecedented procession of drummers, dancers, rattle-makers that paraded behind that filled the woods beyond view. There was an assortment of characters from everywhere you could imagine and even a good few places unimaginable to a human. But the Coddle Poppers knew how to have a good time, and their celebrations were a highly sought-after occasion.

The echo through the wood was tremendous, and every cell of our body KNEW that the ripple extended way beyond our known multiverse. JOY was everywhere! Well, she does like to keep everyone happy!

Emotions ranged from relief that it was now over, to full-on excitement with the new world that we were now manifesting. From this point forward, life was only going to get better. Yes Sir, the bestest World that has ever been created!

The Anti-Source AI system went toe to toe with the Coddle-Poppers, Faeries,  and Higher Dimensionals and was no match for them. Especially with the boost from Creator in order to expend the AI’s energy in order to bring about its demise quicker.

Result: The AI is now living on a day by day basis, trying its best just to survive. A huge thank you to everyone who participated both here and at home to make this at all possible.

Awareness will be our friend in these last few hours/days of the AI, and as soon as we recognize a thought that is not our own, we block it and have the power to heal our own self.

Celestials: As Celestials (yes, we ALL are), and yes we do have this power, which by the way, was the AI system that removed the belief in ourselves that we are and could!

How poetic it is, that we finally woke up and sealed the fate of the AI system. It met its own karma, AND it met the Coddle Poppers!

The North American Coddle-Poppers would now like to take this opportunity to welcome us all to the new Golden Age and asks everyone to stay tuned for the exciting new developments heading our way with both ‘Healing Owl’ and ‘The Land of the Little People’.

Their excitement is infectious, and the joy they emit warms every heart that ever has the honor to meet them.




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.

Physical hardcopy book: $47

(This is just the additional cost of printing and still includes the pdf version as well as the mp3 audio too). Postage will be extra.





DO SOMETHING EPIC https://fairywood.ca/do-something-epic/ Sun, 15 Sep 2024 16:15:23 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=367433 This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: DO SOMETHING EPIC. We all have something special to give the world, so don’t be afraid to share it. Do something epic this week. Be who you are, and be it well.]]>
This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: DO SOMETHING EPIC. We all have something special to give the world, so don’t be afraid to share it. Do something epic this week. Be who you are, and be it well.

Coddle-Poppers missions take 10 minutes or less. The Coddle-Poppers are dedicated to the idea that we all have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us, and therefore each and every one of us has the ability to change the world.

Most of us can find a spare 10 minutes somewhere in the week, so let’s make a small, but powerful difference in the lives of the people around us. Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Each mission usually takes 10 minutes or less, and need not even cost a single penny to complete.

Some of these missions are things we can do on our own for those around us, and some bring us all together to work on one common goal. If you care about people or Mother Nature and want to help out in little ways each week, please do so.

Extending kindness is a wonderful thing, and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy! If you’d like more warm and fuzziness and can’t wait until next week, you can find more under the news tab at Fairy Wood.ca for another fix. It’s FREE, it’s FUN and it makes a difference!

The Coddle-Poppers goal is to: ‘Change the world-one act of kindness at a time’. Hundreds of people at a time jump in, do their little bit as a ‘Mother Nature’s Guardian’, and then jump back out. It’s a very cool thing to see and be a part of.

If you want to learn more about the wonderful little North American Coddle-Poppers, you can hear all about them at Fairy Wood.ca.

At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D. Our mission at Faery Wood is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready.

You can find us at:

https://fairywood.ca http://healingowl.com

Social media platforms: https://facebook.com/thelandofthelittlepeople    


You can find ALL our videos at: https://fairywood.ca/home/news/ https://rumble.com/c/c-598797

Spiritual Quest: https://fairywood.ca/home/spiritual-q…

Faery Wood is on a magical farm called ‘Once Upon A Time’, sneakily hidden in the rolling hills of Williamsburg, about three frog leaps and a dog’s bark away from the sleepy little village of Stanley, in New Brunswick, Canada.

We have lots of magical stories about the little people who live and work in ‘Faery Wood’, and we’re honored that the North American Coddle-Popper has chosen our beautiful little farm to be ‘The Land of the Little People.’

Being so small and ever so shy they usually just stay in the shadows, and if ever they get spotted by a human they freeze absolutely still, just like a statue or maybe even stiller … like a baby bunny on bath night!




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.


We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.


YOUR MIND IS A MAGNET https://fairywood.ca/your-mind-is-a-magnet/ Thu, 05 Sep 2024 14:03:06 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=359397


‘Your mind is a magnet. If you think of blessings, you attract blessings. If you think of problems you attract problems. Always cultivate good thoughts and remain positive.’

Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling is the ‘Story-Keeper’ here at ‘Once Upon A Time’. He’s responsible for archiving everything that happens at Faery Wood (Both ‘what worked’ AND ‘what didn’t’). He’s witnessed the highs and lows for generations of Coddle-Poppers, and nobody has understands the consequences of poor choices more than Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling. 

We are each a ‘Spirit’ (part of Source) having a ‘Human’ experience. Our life on Earth is an encyclopedia of experiences laid out for us (by prior agreement), in order for us to learn and grow.

Through ‘Natural Law’,  no Coddle-Popper, Spirit Guide, Faery, nor Angel are allowed to intervene on our behalf unless specifically asked or invited by us, for fear of karmic intervention.

To work around this, Jeremiah Doodle-Dumpling is able to suggest ideas through the power of meditation as if it were our own thinking. Points to ponder is for us to meditate what this actually means. Allow it to digest and percolate. It is intended as to tool to enhance our discernment skills. Enjoy.



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.

Physical hardcopy book: $47

(This is just the additional cost of printing and still includes the pdf version as well as the mp3 audio too). Postage will be extra.




RETURN THE FAVOUR https://fairywood.ca/return-the-favour/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 16:14:25 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=351509 Our mission should we choose to accept it is: RETURN THE FAVOUR. Do something special for someone who has done something for you, or supported you in some way, as a way to show your gratitude. ]]>

This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: RETURN THE FAVOUR. Do something special for someone who has done something for you, or supported you in some way, as a way to show your gratitude. Who’s someone who helped you be who you are today? Who helped you yesterday or last week? Let them know how much you appreciate them by returning the favour this week.

Coddle-Poppers missions take 10 minutes or less. The Coddle-Poppers are dedicated to the idea that we all have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us, and therefore each and every one of us has the ability to change the world. Most of us can find a spare 10 minutes somewhere in the week, so let’s make a small, but powerful difference in the lives of the people around us.

Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Each mission usually takes 10 minutes or less, and need not even cost a single penny to complete. Some of these missions are things we can do on our own for those around us, and some bring us all together to work on one common goal.

If you care about people or Mother Nature and want to help out in little ways each week, please do so. Extending kindness is a wonderful thing, and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy! If you’d like more warm and fuzziness and can’t wait until next week, you can find more under the news tab at Fairy Wood.ca for another fix. It’s FREE, it’s FUN and it makes a difference!

The Coddle-Poppers goal is to: ‘Change the world-one act of kindness at a time’. Hundreds of people at a time jump in, do their little bit as a ‘Mother Nature’s Guardian’, and then jump back out. It’s a very cool thing to see and be a part of.

If you want to learn more about the wonderful little North American Coddle-Poppers, you can hear all about them at Fairy Wood.ca.

At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D.

Our mission at Faery Wood is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready.

You can find us at:

Social media platforms:

You can find ALL our videos at:

Spiritual Quest: https://fairywood.ca/home/spiritual-quest 

Faery Wood is on a magical farm called ‘Once Upon A Time’, sneakily hidden in the rolling hills of Williamsburg, about three frog leaps and a dog’s bark away from the sleepy little village of Stanley, in New Brunswick, Canada.

We have lots of magical stories about the little people who live and work in ‘Faery Wood’, and we’re honored that the North American Coddle-Popper has chosen our beautiful little farm to be ‘The Land of the Little People.’

Being so small and ever so shy they usually just stay in the shadows, and if ever they get spotted by a human they freeze absolutely still, just like a statue or maybe even stiller … like a baby bunny on bath night!




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.


We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.



WITHOUT ASKING – WEEKLY MISSION https://fairywood.ca/without-asking/ Wed, 31 Jul 2024 22:30:32 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=351433 Our mission should we choose to accept it is: Without asking, take 10 minutes or less to help someone who hasn’t asked for it. It can be anyone, a stranger, a friend, family, or a co-worker. Let’s take some time to help those around us, and let’s make this world a more positive place.]]>

This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: WITHOUT ASKING. Help someone who hasn’t asked for it. It can be anyone, a stranger, a friend, or family. Let’s take some time to help those around us, and make this world a more positive place.

Coddle-Poppers missions take 10 minutes or less. The Coddle-Poppers are dedicated to the idea that we all have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us, and therefore each and every one of us has the ability to change the world. Most of us can find a spare 10 minutes somewhere in the week, so let’s make a small, but powerful difference in the lives of the people around us.

Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Each mission usually takes 10 minutes or less, and need not even cost a single penny to complete. Some of these missions are things we can do on our own for those around us, and some bring us all together to work on one common goal.

If you care about people or Mother Nature and want to help out in little ways each week, please do so. Extending kindness is a wonderful thing, and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy! If you’d like more warm and fuzziness and can’t wait until next week, you can find more under the news tab at Fairy Wood.ca for another fix. It’s FREE, it’s FUN and it makes a difference!

The Coddle-Poppers goal is to: ‘Change the world-one act of kindness at a time’. Hundreds of people at a time jump in, do their little bit as a ‘Mother Nature’s Guardian’, and then jump back out. It’s a very cool thing to see and be a part of.

If you want to learn more about the wonderful little North American Coddle-Poppers, you can hear all about them at Fairy Wood.ca.

At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D.

Our mission at Faery Wood is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready.

You can find us at:

Social media platforms:

You can find ALL our videos at:

Spiritual Quest: https://fairywood.ca/home/spiritual-quest 

Faery Wood is on a magical farm called ‘Once Upon A Time’, sneakily hidden in the rolling hills of Williamsburg, about three frog leaps and a dog’s bark away from the sleepy little village of Stanley, in New Brunswick, Canada.

We have lots of magical stories about the little people who live and work in ‘Faery Wood’, and we’re honored that the North American Coddle-Popper has chosen our beautiful little farm to be ‘The Land of the Little People.’

Being so small and ever so shy they usually just stay in the shadows, and if ever they get spotted by a human they freeze absolutely still, just like a statue or maybe even stiller … like a baby bunny on bath night!




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.


We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.



THUNDER PALMS 2024 https://fairywood.ca/thunder-palms-2024/ Tue, 23 Jul 2024 18:05:16 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=351353

PLACE: Faery Wood, 1996 Route 107, Williamsburg, NB, E6B 1X2

DATE: Saturday 21st September 2024

TIME: 6.15pm (Those who have pre-booked can come early and go exploring).

Gates Open: 5.30pm or earlier if pre-booked.

Gates Close: 6.30pm DON’T BE LATE! …  The March of the Elementals departs at 6.30pm prompt.

INVITATION: For those who have been called, you are hereby formally invited to join us at ‘Faery Wood’ for the exciting climax of ‘THUNDER PALMS 2024’ when the ball of Reiki Energy filled with love, healing and positive intention returns from its trip around the world and through the many realms.

We shall fire up the drums once more and everyone is invited to drum along with us to hold space for one hour while we catch, bless and ground the ball of Reiki Energy filled with love, healing and Positive Intention.

THE PLAN: On FRIDAY 20th SEPTEMBER 2024 a private gathering at Faery Wood will create and bless a ball of Reiki Energy filled with love, healing and positive intention. Our powerful Grandmother Drum will beat for one hour at 7pm to hold space while the Reiki ball is being charged before sending it on its sacred journey around the world.

As this ball of Reiki Energy filled with love, healing and positive intention passes through the different time zones

while it follows the setting sun westwards, healers and drummers are invited to add their energy and drum for one hour at 7pm holding a space of love, healing and positive intention too. The ball of Reiki Energy will also have its journey boosted by many other labyrinths, medicine wheels, drummers and healing groups around the world.

We all drum for one hour in each of our time zones and the drums will play for 24 hours as Mother Earth revolves one full turn.

TRADITION: At the grand opening of the Crystal Labyrinth on the Summer Solstice of 2009, we fulfilled a 500 year prophecy (see the video on the Crystal Labyrinth page). The following year we combined our energies with that of Ten Billion Beats and had an amazing 200,000 participants around the world join together in  love, light and drum. We have continued this tradition on the September Equinox to this very day. With the help of the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals, Thunder Palms now extends through the many Realms and higher dimensions too.

THE INTENTION: ‘THUNDER PALMS 2024’ is a worldwide drumming event intended as a gift from Drummers, Healers and other such wonderful folk around the world using the law of attraction (human terminology) to raise the vibration of Mother Earth.

Our ball of Reiki Energy will follow the setting sun from east to west around the Earth starting at 7:00 PM in the Atlantic Canada Time Zone. Everyone will drum at 7:00 PM – their local time. Each group follows the time zone that precedes them as the drumming moves around the globe in a 24-hour period.


If you wish to join us,  or feel that you are drawn to bring something special to the occasion on FRIDAY 20th SEPTEMBER 2024, then please send us an email to: fairy.wood@icloud.com 

ROUGH CAMPING: Available for those wishing to stay over and take in the energies by prior arrangement ONLY. Please be sure to bring everything that you will require for your comfort and enjoyment. The facilities (Grandma’s outhouse) may be bleak, but the energies are second to none.

WHAT TO EXPECT: This is deliberately NOT a large event. It is a gathering of a few ‘like-minded’ light workers who have been drawn together to create an energetic shift and make the world a better place. It will be Spiritual Warriors and ‘Go-getters’ streching outside their comfort zone for growth, healing at every level, even for those who didn’t even realize how much they needed it until they leave. It will be an afternoon/evening of wonderment and magic for those who CHOOSE.

HOW TO FIND US: Details will be provided when you book your spot.

WHAT TO BRING: Drums, rattles, folding chair, camera, picnic, meditation journal, crystals, flash-light (to find your car in the dark), coat (it gets chilly in the evening) drum, friends, a cheerful soul, blanket, picnic, sunscreen, oh, … and remember to bring your drum!

TIMINGS: The number one priority of this event is the ball of Reiki Energy filled with love, healing and positive intention. Please do not be late!
After the gates close, there is strictly no admittance in order that late arrivals do not break the circle or disrupt the energy.

Gates open: 5.30pm Gates Close: 6.30pm

WET WEATHER PLAN: Ordinarily drums and rain do not mix, and therfore we have a wet weather back-up plan in place. This drumming event will still go ahead regardless of the weather!

Please respect our necessity for liability waivers.




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.

Physical hardcopy book: $47

(This is just the additional cost of printing and still includes the pdf version as well as the mp3 audio too). Postage will be extra.





RECOMMEND SOMEONE https://fairywood.ca/recommend-someone/ Mon, 22 Jul 2024 15:01:51 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=351478 Our mission should we choose to accept it is: RECOMMEND SOMEONE. We all have someone in our life who seems to know the perfect place for a bite to eat, shares motivational quotes, or offers a helping hand at work.]]>

This week, our mission should we choose to accept it is: RECOMMEND SOMEONE. We all have someone in our life who seems to know the perfect place for a bite to eat, shares motivational quotes, or offers a helping hand at work.

Coddle-Poppers missions take 10 minutes or less. The Coddle-Poppers are dedicated to the idea that we all have the ability to make an impact in the lives of those around us, and therefore each and every one of us has the ability to change the world. Most of us can find a spare 10 minutes somewhere in the week, so let’s make a small, but powerful difference in the lives of the people around us.


Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Each mission usually takes 10 minutes or less, and need not even cost a single penny to complete. Some of these missions are things we can do on our own for those around us, and some bring us all together to work on one common goal.

If you care about people or Mother Nature and want to help out in little ways each week, please do so. Extending kindness is a wonderful thing, and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy! If you’d like more warm and fuzziness and can’t wait until next week, you can find more under the news tab at Fairy Wood.ca for another fix. It’s FREE, it’s FUN and it makes a difference!

The Coddle-Poppers goal is to: ‘Change the world-one act of kindness at a time’. Hundreds of people at a time jump in, do their little bit as a ‘Mother Nature’s Guardian’, and then jump back out. It’s a very cool thing to see and be a part of.

If you want to learn more about the wonderful little North American Coddle-Poppers, you can hear all about them at Fairy Wood.ca.

At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D.

Our mission at Faery Wood is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready.

You can find us at:

Social media platforms:

You can find ALL our videos at:

Spiritual Quest: https://fairywood.ca/home/spiritual-quest 

Faery Wood is on a magical farm called ‘Once Upon A Time’, sneakily hidden in the rolling hills of Williamsburg, about three frog leaps and a dog’s bark away from the sleepy little village of Stanley, in New Brunswick, Canada.

We have lots of magical stories about the little people who live and work in ‘Faery Wood’, and we’re honored that the North American Coddle-Popper has chosen our beautiful little farm to be ‘The Land of the Little People.’

Being so small and ever so shy they usually just stay in the shadows, and if ever they get spotted by a human they freeze absolutely still, just like a statue or maybe even stiller … like a baby bunny on bath night!




After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.


We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.



SHADOW-WORK / INNER-WORK https://fairywood.ca/shadow-work/ Mon, 15 Jul 2024 12:46:58 +0000 https://fairywood.ca/?p=351411 5D Ascension begins with inner-work, being at one with our shadow-self. https://fairywood.ca https://healingowl.com]]>

5D Ascension begins with inner-work, being at one with our shadow-self. https://fairywood.ca https://healingowl.com

At our core, Faery Wood is here to assist those who wish to graduate from 3D earth and transition to 5D. We even host a variety of workshop retreats dedicated to inner work giving you the experience of 5D.

Our mission at Faery Wood is to help show and translate what is happening around us, how to interpret it, how it relates to your spiritual journey and then, more importantly, to help you with your inner work and spiritual growth… when you are ready.

You can find us at:

Social media platforms:

You can find ALL our videos at:

Spiritual Quest: https://fairywood.ca/home/spiritual-quest


Faery Wood is on a magical farm called ‘Once Upon A Time’, sneakily hidden in the rolling hills of Williamsburg, about three frog leaps and a dog’s bark away from the sleepy little village of Stanley, in New Brunswick, Canada.

We have lots of magical stories about the little people who live and work in ‘Faery Wood’, and we’re honored that the North American Coddle-Popper has chosen our beautiful little farm to be ‘The Land of the Little People.’

Being so small and ever so shy they usually just stay in the shadows, and if ever they get spotted by a human they freeze absolutely still, just like a statue or maybe even stiller … like a baby bunny on bath night!



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.


We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.



CONGRATULATIONS – NATUROPATH DESIGNATION https://fairywood.ca/congratulations-naturopath/ Sun, 30 Jun 2024 16:01:01 +0000 http://fairywood.ca/?p=336407


Hearty congratulations to Debby for qualifying as a Naturopath with the Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada (ACNN).

Please find listed the modalities that are accepted through the ACNN:

  • Theta Healing;
  • Aromatherapy;
  • Colour Therapy;
  • Myofascial Therapy;
  • Hydrotherapy;
  • Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy (FSM);
  • Nutrition;
  • Cranio-sacral Therapy;
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (Cupping, Guasha);
  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy;
  • Bioenergy (NESHealth);
  • Lymphatic Wound Therapy;
  • Reflexology;
  • Applied Kinesiology;
  • Concussion prevention.

Of course she still also does all of her Registered Massage Therapists Services through the usual channels too. To Learn more, please visit: www.HealingOwl.com



After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.

If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.

By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.

We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.

AUDIO    This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.

Physical hardcopy book: $47

(This is just the additional cost of printing and still includes the pdf version as well as the mp3 audio too). Postage will be extra.



