Place: Faery Wood, 1996 Route 107, Williamsburg, NB
Date: Sunday 2nd Jan 2022
Time: 1pm ’til late
Cost: Freewill offering/kind donation
The Coddle-Poppers and Higher Dimensionals at Faery Wood cordially invite you to join them to celebrate, welcome, and set our intentions for the birth of both a New Year and a NEW WORLD! (Grown -ups only)
These are truly exciting times as we witness the crumbling of the old 3D world whilst we hold our own vibrations high in order to raise Mother Earth to 5D.

We shall make our base at ‘Witch Way Inn’, and spend our day trundling around the trails to various locations around Faery Wood in order to learn about our mischeivious, yet wonderful little hosts, the North American Coddle-Popper.
Interesting spots that we shall visit: Crystal Labyrinth, Stinkybog Lagoon, Medicine Wheel, The Fairy Stone, Energy Wheel, Meditation Cedars, The ‘Old’ Fairy Ring, Moon Dial, Story and quite possibly even more! (Please click on the links).

We shall be reading stories from our new audio storybook titled: ‘The Wonderful World of the Coddle-Popper!’ that is due to be released later in 2022.
We heartily guarantee the warm and fuzzies on the inside even if the opposite is true with regards to the temperature of the weather on the outside!
Have you ever heard of a ‘Twinkle-Popper’? Have you ever tried baltering? What about fungle-cruch bark clippings? How does a Moon Dial work? Have you ever seen a pond that goes uphill? or made a wish on a Fairy Stone? Did you know that Momma Grouse can only count up to three? Why do toads have stools and yet frogs don’t? When’s the best time to spot a Coddle-Popper?
Please bring your drum, lots of crystals, journal, folding chair, picnic and lots of water. Dress warm and in layers… it is winter after all and we shall have snow on the ground.
Space is limited, so please message me to reserve your spot.
This event is about healing, empowerment and finding the courage to stand in our power. If you feel drawn to add something to this occasion, please private message me.
To make the day even better, Lindsay Carr will also be exploring the ancient art of numerology and looking at our life plans as we designed them before our births. With the intention of seeing ourselves as perfect creations on the perfect paths to ascension.
Please bring a picnic supper and a hot flask of soup and we can keep going into the evening at Healing Owl with a guided meditation down to the ‘other’ world… the world of Faery!
There, you will meet your spirit guide or higher self and come back with a gift of enlightenment.
Put your thinking caps on and think about what you CHOOSE to experience and get from your visit to Faery Wood. We are living in magical times when ANYTHING is possible! (We are creators afterall).

This event will go ahead regardless of Higgs stupid mandates, lockdowns or whatever weather Mother Nature throws at us… she has a sense of humour too, and that’s just the way the Coddle-Poppers like it!