Rest dear friends, a story I shall tell
Of an Old Fairy Ring, and its magical spell
Times gone by, and tales foretold
Such a beautiful gift, from the World of Olde
When mystical creatures once roamed in the wood
Unfortunately, now, they are so misunderstood.
An Old Fairy Ring, made with such kindness and love
And even some magic sent from above
Walk lightly my dear, and watch where you tread,
Some of the fairies are still tucked in their bed.
Nestled so softly with chipmunk, squirrel or hare
Or even a fox has sometimes slept there.
Leave nothing but love behind when you go,
The Old Fairy Ring, has much to bestow
Sit quietly against the bark of a tree,
Can you hear the fairies, or was it just me?
Soft whispers and laughter, are heard in this place
Together with Gratitude, kindness and always God’s grace.

The Coddle-Poppers were getting ready to start their day, some were just waking up and wiping the sleepy fluff out of their belly buttons, gathering it ready for new winter woollies, while others were arranging their toenail clippings in size order on the shelf ready for the ‘End of year Moon’ prize-giving ceremony, which is a truly prestigious occasion.
For other Coddle-Poppers, the morning started in a snap, crackle and poop kind of way, as they manoeuvred precariously out of their beds. Outside however, there was crispy, crunch, sparkles, with the World frozen in a beautifully frosted wonderland, waiting ready for the day to begin and its wonderment discovered.
The early morning risers were gathered together ready to collect the dew-drops for everyone’s morning tiffing, and were all of a tizzy with excitement, knowing they would be adding 2 nips and a whole dribble of Coddle-Berry wine, to each and every cup, as it had been agreed upon, unanimously, by one and all, due to there being a distinct chill in the air, well some of the Coddle-Poppers have been saying there is a chill since September!
You can often spot them by their distinct features, one such feature being their cheeks neon glow becoming extremely more noticeable at night. They do glow during the day too of course, but at night they are even brighter than the glow-worms lighty bits, which results in so much confusion on date night for the poor glow-worms!
Some, unfortunately get quite a shock, as you can imagine. But the Glow Worms are always grateful for the blessing that it is the Coddle-Popper’s face cheeks that they kissed, it could have been sooo much worse.
The rosy cheeked Coddle-Poppers however, also tend to become extra caring at these times, insisting on telling every one they meet just how much they love them. Its so heartwarming to witness. It almost brings a tear to your ear and a dribble to the nose. But that might just be the cold!
All the Coddle-Poppers were sat ready to take their morning tea, when all of a sudden, out of somewhere no one had remembered being before, and so quite unexpectedly, even the expecting Coddle-Poppers were taken by surprise, again, a discombobulated sound with frequencies that tingled every single, tiny cell of their bodies. Even some of the parts that really should not be tingled without prior warning and discussion! Yes Sir. Enough said.
After a pause that seemed to freeze everyone in place, all the Coddle-Poppers looked to each other first, to make certainly sure they had NOT just imagined it, as Coddle-Poppers have an above average, awesome imagination.

Upon noticing the same expression reflecting back on each and every Coddle-Popper present, in unison, the Coddle-Poppers ALL glanced down as though it was a move that had been choreographed, to ensure it definitely was not the contents of their cups which had been the instigator of this!
But on this occasion, No!! To every Coddle Poppers surprise, even mine, it was still full! No lip, had been near to take a sip or even a drip of the tea. Not by Anyone, Someone, or Anybody and as you know they are usually responsible for most things being afoot or a hand.
But on this very isolated occasion, even they shared the same innocent look of wonderment. (A look often confused with constipation by some and contemplation by the more scholarly Coddle-Poppers).
The Coddle-Poppers, unable to stop the excitement and joy welling up inside their tummies at the thought of an amazing adventure, they each turned to their elbow buddy and carefully bumped cups, ensuring none of the liquid gold spilled from the chalice, and they drank it all in one go!! Every last drop! Yes Sir, they most certainly did and that has never, ever been tried before!! Or since!
The Coddle-Poppers, upon realizing what they had done, had a shocked expression creep over their faces in slow motion. But was soon replaced by giggles, laughter and burps from top to bottom, unfortunately!!
Yes Sir, it certainly smelled like washing day at Stinky Bog Lagoon once all the discombobulated bowels had finished.
The Coddle-Popper Elders gathered ready for their adventure. Offerings for the journey were presented by the Coddle-Poppers as a sign of respect for the arduous task about to be undertaken.
For some reason, on this particular day, the gifts turned out to be mostly Coddle-Berry wine and fungal crunch bark clippings. Probably because most of the Coddle-Poppers were still unable to focus properly due to the fast intake of the Coddle-Berry wine, and thought they had plenty on the shelf still.
Others were still working out how their legs worked, convinced that they were on the wrong sides of their body, three of the Coddle-Poppers were struggling to work out how their newly acquired jelly legs worked, and one poor Coddle Popper was convinced he was invisible as he could not feel his face.
The Coddle-Popper Elders were overcome with joy to see that someone even kindly donated some tantalising toad boogers, and you know how hard they are to find, especially at this time of the year. What kindness Coddle-Poppers have for each other, it really warms the cockles to see.
With best boot forward for the adventure, the Coddle-Popper Elders, with an average age of 573 ¼ years young, and height of 6 ¾ inches toe to tip, set off into the woods to discover the source of these discombobulations.
They had not ventured very far, well just far enough to be out of sight from the other Coddle-Poppers, when it was decided by one and all present, unanimously and without question, that an extra nip of Coddle-Berry wine would assist with the lubrication of the guiding voices, and therefore they would be more efficient in their task. Together with a tempting tasting of the tantalising toad boogers.
Yes Sir, Coddle-Poppers are known for their efficiency at doing their tasks in a timely manner. The Coddle-Popper Elders ready to set forth once again, feeling an average age of a sprightly 574 ¾ years young, and height of 6 7/8 inches toe to tip, bravely set forth once more into the woods to discover the source of the discombobulations.
After an interaction with Momma Grouse and her ever growing brood, the Coddle-Popper Elders, armed with the knowledge that they were on the correct path, heroically continued on there arduous task of discovery.
In a small clearing amongst the trees, the Coddle-Popper Elders could hear a ringing sound which had them mesmerized. The sound was so pure and enchanting that it felt almost angelic. They caught glimpses of the grass moving and something shiny moving along, very, very slowly.
That was all it took, the something shiny had the Coddle-Popper Elders in a hypnotic gaze, fixated firmly on the treasure. Now they were an unstoppable force. Moving as one, they glided, almost floating motionless into the small clearing, eyes transfixed on the shiny prize.
The Coddle-Popper Elders’ full sight gradually returned and when their eyes finally focused, they noticed that in the grass was what looked to be a Fairy carrying the most beautiful golden bell.
Being very gentlemanly gentleman Coddle-Poppers, they all stood in a line, hats off and heads bowed, so as not to startle the Fairy. Manners being a very important Coddle-Popper quality. Yes Sir, very important indeed.
After quite some time, which seemed even longer to the Coddle-Popper Elders, the Fairy put her bell down to move her cascading hair back over her wings so that she could get her bearings.
Out of the corner of one eye or both, she noticed the Coddle-Popper Elders, with their hats off and heads bowed.
The poor Fairy thought they were paying their respects to a friend who had passed over, so she stood as still as she could, straightened her hair and also bowed her head in mutual respect, as it can never be said that a fairy is anything other than respectful. No Sir, never, ever say that, because it will be your undoing.

After a few minutes, the Coddle-Popper Elders, being so very worldly wise, could no longer resist the urge and they all discreetly peeked to see what was happening.
With the realization of what had caused the Fairy’s reactions, together with the unfortunate added effects of the Coddle-Berry wine, the Coddle-Popper Elders began to titter and snort then jiggle and wiggle, desperately trying to keep the mighty beast contained.
Despite every single cell of their bodies determined with all their might to hold in the laughter, the power of the Coddle-Berry wine was a stronger force and the Coddle-Popper Elders were no match for it.
With their faces growing rosier and rosier, shoulders jumping up and down like they were working a pneumatic drill, and the extremely concerning squeaks and grunts being emitted, the Fairy inquisitively looked up at them through her hair.
Before any new musical notes could appear from the Coddle-Popper Elders ‘wind-section’, the Fairy, now unable to contain herself as well as the Coddle-Popper Elders, let out the most beautifully joyful sound, giving silent permission that the canned pressure could finally be released by the Coddle-Popper Elders, just in the nick of time.
Who ever Nick is, no one can be certain for sure, although whenever there is a critical moment, Nick turns up, each and every, dangle-ding-berry time! Yes Sir, he unequivocally does.
The Fairy introduced herself to the Coddle-Popper Elders. Angelica Merryment-Maker Popperthwaite, Wish Maker and Fairy Dust Dispenser to the Fairy Realm. A mixture known as a Twinkle-Popper.
Yes sir, a most magical little lady, with all the best qualities of both a Coddle-Popper and a Fairy but rolled into one without the use of flour, baking powder or even a rolling pin. Imagine that!
Angelica Merryment-Maker Popperthwaite, Wish Maker and Fairy Dust Dispenser to the Fairy Realm, explained that she always carries a golden bell everywhere and anywhere she goes, at all times.
Even whenever she went wherever, for whatever. And that was quite often and usually most of the time. She rings the golden bell to help all the wishes on their way to the Fairy Realm and to let the other Fairies know that wishes are on their way, and ready to be granted.
As Fairies navigate their way through Realms, they utilise various time travel portals to venture from place to place and Realm to Realm. These portals are usually part of what we know today as Fairy Rings.
The Trees are usually set in a circle with the portal opening within one of the trees in the Fairy Ring, depending on which Realm you are entering from or even going to.
The Faery Rings are very sacred places and the energies are turned on and off by the frequencies that that particular Faery Ring vibrates at.
The Coddle-Popper Elders and Angelica Merryment-Maker Popperthwaite, Wish Maker and Fairy Dust Dispenser to the Fairy Realm decided a celebration of wishes was called for.
So, always ready and starting as they mean to carry on, the Coddle-Popper Elders opened another bottle of Coddle-Berry wine to share with their new found acquaintance.
After the third bottle had ‘evaporated’, as they often do, the Coddle-Popper Elders and Angelica Merryment-Maker Popperthwaite, Wish Maker and Fairy Dust Dispenser to the Fairy Realm dined on fungal crunch bark clippings and lashings and lashings of the sacred tantalising toad boogers on top. What more could anyone ask for.
The Coddle-Popper Elders and Angelica Merryment-Maker Popperthwaite, Wish Maker and Fairy Dust Dispenser to the Fairy Realm could resist no longer and the baltering began.
Yes Sir, and for the humans that may not know it, but do inadvertently balter themselves, baltering means to dance gracelessly, without any particular art or skill, but with so much happiness and enjoyment that it is beautiful… and the Coddle Poppers were the champions of baltering.
The Coddle-Poppers’ baltering skills have been commented upon through many, many Kingdoms. Not surprising really… the Coddle-Poppers are such talented wee folk, don’t you think?
If you’d like to discover more about Angelica Merryment-Maker Popperthwaite, Wish Maker and Fairy Dust Dispenser to the Fairy Realm, you can hear her full story on the ‘Tree of Wishes’ audio storybook.
If you’re genuinely interested in doing inner work, we have a Spiritual Quest that will provide a better understanding of why things happen to you in the way that they do.
We also host a 2½ day workshop retreat for those REALLY serious about getting their inner work done. Please click on the book for more information.