The Coddle-Poppers and critters here at Faery Wood cordially invite you to join them for a Reiki Share like no other!

Place: Faery Wood, 1996 Route 107, Williamsburg, NB, E6B 1X2 MAP

Date: Sunday 19th September 2021

Time: 2pm onward. Please do not be late or you will not find us as we shall be back in the wood with the Faeries. If you are early you can bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the labyrinths and walking trails.

Cost: Freewill offering

We shall be playing with a few ideas that we shall be doing for the Reiki Retreat being hosted in early October.

Because the afternoon is open to everyone, please feel free to bring a friend … or two.
Please be sure to bring a drum , rattle or noise maker, crystals, folding chair as well as your camera.

Anyone wishing to promote their Reiki services may give a presentation or healing demonstration too. It is a day of empowerment and ‘Healing for the Healers’. A lot has be asked of us recently and the day will be all about ‘filling your own cup first’.

Please bring a crystal for the Crystal Labyrinth/Earth Wheel/Meditation Cedars should you feel so inclined as an exchange.

There will be a picnic supper (bring your own)  at the fire pit at about 5pm-ish and then stay as long as you wish and exchange tall tales around the fire afterwards.

In fine Coddle-Popper tradition, ALL timings and things to do are subject to change … as is always the way with Faery.


Coddle-Popper Creed: Changing the World – One Act of Kindness at a time