Tommy ‘Top-Tips’ Tinklehausser is the Coddle-Popper who seems to have ‘been there, and done that’ more times than any other Coddle-Popper! At a ripe old age of 973, if there was a hard way of doing things, he’s tried it (Not too dis-similar to some of us humans), with the wrinkles on his brow to prove it.
Tommy ‘Top-Tips’ Tinklehausser has compiled a compendium of cases where an easier way was found which he lovingly shares with us humans with his weekly tips in order to ease the emotional roller-coaster that we’re on.
Repeat positive affirmations daily
Affirmations are used to create self-belief and positivity. Start a daily routine of saying something positive about yourself and all the things that you are able to do. Once you have mastered positive things about yourself, extend the positive affirmations towards others, too!
After observing for a number of years, how much our visitors transform and change their lives following a visit to Faery Wood, we decided to make the same empowering experience accessible for everyone to enjoy, whether they are able to visit Faery Wood or not.
If you are ready to step into your power and divinity… this Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook is about to become your new best buddy. Whether you feel lost, wish to begin exploring your own potential, choose to ascend to 5D or are in search of your life’s mission, we give you the tools and techniques to do so with this very remarkable Faery Wood Spiritual Quest.
By incorporating the Wisdom of the Higher-Self, Faeries and Higher Dimensionals in this life altering Spiritual Warrior’s Workbook, we lead you on an inward journey, enabling you, the Spiritual Warrior, to have insight and allow you to make sense of why your life is unfolding the way it is.
We each create EVERYTHING that turns up in our life – would you like to know how and why? We take you from victim to hero, from wounded to Warrior.
AUDIO This Faery Wood Spiritual Quest, Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal also comes with an audio. It can be used from the comfort of your own armchair, but it is intended/preferred for you to do this from either your garden or any place in nature – where the Faeries and Higher Dimensionals can come and work with you.
Physical hardcopy book: $47
(This is just the additional cost of printing and still includes the pdf version as well as the mp3 audio too). Postage will be extra.