Mornings are always a happy time for the Coddle-Poppers at Once Upon A Time. Not that any time appears to be a bad time for a Coddle Popper, No sir! not one time, or another, or any time at all!
Coddle-Poppers are as happy as the day is long and the knights are short. Not that all knights are short either, just the ones at Once Upon A Time, which is a real undisputable factual fact, which cannot be disputed. No sir! not at all, as it was agreed by one and all, and we all agreed to that one. Didn’t we?
Yes, I am absolutely about 18% sure of that fact, as sure as ‘Sure’ can be. And Sure is always most certain, at least a minority of the time. Well as long he has not been confused by ‘Something’ or ‘Another’, the terrible twins, and then ‘Sure’ cannot be certain of ‘Anything’, and ‘Anything’ cannot be certain for ‘Sure’!
Coddle-Poppers are such jolly little folk you see, and they spend nearly all their time ‘singing and humming’, and ‘humming and singing’. There appears to be more ‘humming’ than singing on most days though. I am sure most of the Coddle-Poppers’ ‘hum’ because they do all their washing in Stinky Bog Lagoon, or so one would believe from their very unique aroma. Yes Sir, A most unique aroma indeed!
Once, a very, very, long time ago or thereabouts, one of the Coddle-Poppers suggested that all the Coddle-Poppers should try washing their clothes in ‘the pond that goes uphill’, but every time they put the soap down, that went up hill too!
The confusion and kerfufflation that caused was ‘Nobody’s’ business and ‘Everybody’s’ business at the very same time! Yes sir, with ‘Nobody’ and ‘Everybody’ contemplating the contemplations, of that very kerfufflation of the situation, the Coddle-Poppers did not know whose soap was whose, what soap was what, or even where they stood on the matter. No sir, and to make matters worse, there was not enough room for all the Coddle-Poppers to stand on the matter either!!
This caused even more confusion, which in turn needed more contemplation. With all that thought happening at the very same time, there was a united, epic explosion of nose hairs, among the Coddle Poppers – due to the increased brain activity! This spontaneous explosion left most of the Coddle-Poppers with noses that they could not stop whistling – even with the best ‘Will’ in the World. Yes sir, ‘Will’ was the best in the World it must be said, but not even Will could stop the nose whistling on that occasion. No sir, he really could not!!
If you just happen to still be at Once Upon A Time after the rooster has cock-a-doodled a well rehearsed little ditty or two. The chickens have all given an opinion of what they thought of the rooster’s rendition, the ducks have waddled off for a quick dip before supper and the firefly’s batteries have just been renewed, that will be about the very best time to see a Coddle-Popper at Stinky-Bog Lagoon! Yes sir, the very best of best times indeed.
You see, the Coddle-Poppers have a very special tradition called ‘The Ritual of the Five Bells’. As Dawn breaks and the Coddle Poppers finish repairing it, or in the late of evening, if you are at Stinky Bog Lagoon you can see a faint ripple on the water before the Ritual of the Five Bells begins. The Ritual of the Five Bells is a very old and sacred ritual, performed by members of the same Coddle Popper family since before time begun – or maybe even earlier than that!! Yes Sir! …and that is a long time ago.
The Ritual of the Five Bells
The first bell is a reminder that our lives pass by rapidly and not a moment should be wasted. Coddle Poppers teach us the benefit of living in every moment and being ever present in the abundance of creation, living with the inquisitive wonderment of a child, while knowing that anything is possible.
A Coddle Popper only believes it cannot be done, if it has been tried any of the 101 ways that may be of significance. Yes Sir! how do you think the recipe for Roasted Toenail Clippings with Fungus Frosting happened – 99 other ways – YUK!
The second bell is a reminder that achieving enlightenment washes away all our pain and suffering. Coddle Poppers always take the time to acknowledge any feelings, give them a voice and understanding, and then allow them to be cleansed away with the water for the good of Mother Earth.
Any problems among Coddle-Poppers are discussed openly and honestly with understanding, then together, solutions are sought by all as Coddle Poppers believe they are all united. That which effects one, affects all! Again, how do you think the recipe for Roasted Toenail Clippings with Fungus Frosting happened – 99 other ways – YUK!
The third bell is a reminder to practice self-examination. Instead of criticizing others, Coddle Poppers first look inwards and self reflect – if my life were to end this day, are the actions I am engaged in done with the best of integrity, worthwhile, and for the greater good?
Ask yourself the same question, are you proud to take ownership of your words and actions, in the most uncomfortable situations or do you look to blame others! Are you willing to go against the crowd in order to be true to one’s self?
Again, how do you think the recipe for Roasted Toenail Clippings with Fungus Frosting happened – if my life were to end this day, are the actions I am engaged in done with the best of integrity, worthwhile, and for the greater good?
Make sure it’s inspiring! Roasted Toenail Clippings with Fungus Frosting – Legendary! And definitely for the greater good!
Your life is your message to the World. How proud are you of yours? Remember its never too late to change it.
The fourth bell is a reminder that only our intentions carry on after we have gone. Coddle Poppers always live by the creed “Come into this World with nothing and only leave behind intentions and footprints”.
Coddle Poppers know that living in harmony is a blessing to be respected and enjoyed – Roasted Toenail Clippings with Fungus Frosting = Blessings and ‘Respect’!! As those young’uns say.
The last bell is a reminder of the grace of the second chances.
In whatever time is left to us, we can change. Every moment is a new World of undiscovered possibilities – if you can believe in yourself – anything is possible.
Your life is your message to the World. Make sure it’s inspiring. What will you leave behind?
For the last time Roasted Toenail Clippings with Fungus Frosting – Blessings! Yes Sir, they certainly are!
‘Dear PAST, thank you for all of the life lessons. Dear FUTURE, I’m READY NOW’!!!
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