There are not many Fairy Stones throughout the world. If you have one, it is an enormous privilege because they are so very few and far between. It is only the highest of the Coddle-Popper Kingdoms that are worthy of such a precious stone.
It is believed that there are two other Fairy Stones in Europe and maybe one more deep in undergrowth somewhere in Eastern Asia.
You can find the one and only Fairy Stone on the entire American Continent right here in Faery Wood at the base of a fir tree beside the scruffiest, most sparsest looking little apple tree in all the (Coddle-Popper) Kingdom.

The Fairy Stone is no ordinary rock, no sir! Set on the top surface is a white crystal quartz of magical qualities. To make a wish you are to place your thumb on the magical white crystal quartz and gently twist your thumb in a clockwise smiley face manner for three whole smiles whilst all the time you are to picture your wish as though it has already come true.
Full instructions on how to successfully make a wish with the Fairy Stone, can be found beside this very special stone here at Once Upon A Time.
Should you find yourself in the unenviable position where the journey might be too arduous to travel all the way to Faery Wood, you can read all about it in our magical storybook titled: ‘Mother Nature’s Guardians Coddle-Popper Chronicles Volume I’, or hear it here on this MP3 audio storybook. Please click on the image for a sneaky listen.
We have more MP3 audio storybooks with all kinds of stories about the Coddle-Poppers here at Faery Wood for you to enjoy.
Another place you can find out more about this wonderous phenomenon is in the Faery Wood Spiritual Quest Warrior’s Workbook/Awakening Journal.
It is not included with the audio, but you can still get your very special wish granted just the same.
If you’re genuinely interested in doing inner work, we have a Spiritual Quest that will provide a better understanding of why things happen to you in the way that they do.
We also host a 2½ day workshop retreat for those REALLY serious about getting their inner work done. Please click on the book for more information.